Mexico 2009 – and now we are six

Today was a sleep in day for me. I did not get up till 10:40, and by that time Cathy, Simone and Ted were already at the pool.

Breakfast is over at 10:30, so I had to go to the sports bar and have Nachos for breakfast. Tough life.

We had planned to meet in the main lobby at 11:30 so we could greet Vance and Vangie when they arrived, so that is where the treo found me.

Vance and Vangie arrived just before noon and they got the paperwork done and head to their room to wait for their luggage. Then it was off to lunch and then to the pool.

I asked Vangie if she could go to London Drugs before she came down and pick me up a pair of sunglass reading glasses. She did. They are amazing. She was able to get a pair of bifocal sunglass reading glasses that have the +2.00 in the bifocal part and just clear glass in the top part. They make checking out the bikinis reading at the pool much easier.

The only drawback to them is they make me look like a gay European interior designer from Barcelona.  But hey, reading is great. They look much better on Cathy, Vangie and Simone, but they can’t have them. I’ll post a photo later.

Vangie and Vance bailed from the pool at about 2:30 and headed back to their room for a nap and I was about 45 minutes behind them. We meet up again at 5:15 to go for an afternoon beverage at the courtyard bar and then headed up to the “Grill” restaurant for dinner. Once again the food was excellent.

After dinner it was back down to the same bar to watch the entertainment and listen to the music.  At 9:00 I bailed out and headed back to my room to get some zzz’s before our trip tomorrow. The rest of the gang went to the theater to watch the “Broadway” show. Don’t know how that was, I’ll have to fill you in tomorrow.

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Next Mexico - Day 9 - Chichen Itza

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