Venice to Florence

Up early, breakfast and on to the train station to catch our train to Florence.

The train ride was uneventful, smooth and pretty. Very different views as we came into the Tuscany region.

Once we got to the Florence station we had to find out how to get to our apartment. As it turns out, it was all of 100 meters from the train station. It turns out this is a great location, close to everything. Less than an kilometre to the Uffizi and about the same to the Ponte Vecchio.

Once we dropped our bags at the apartment we headed off for lunch and then to Santa Maria Novella Church. We poked around here for an hour or so and then took a break on the grass area outside the church. We started heading back to the apartment, looking for a grocery store  to pick up some bread, cereal, milk, wine and coffee and eggs. Have to have something on hand for breakfast. (not the wine though) After a few failed starts we ended up getting what we needed at 3 different stores. All of them very close to the apartment.

After some R&R at the apartment and starting a much needed laundry load, we headed down to the Ponte Vecchio to check it out at night, and wandered over to the Uffizi gallery and  to the Palazzo Vecchio.  We ended up wandering the side streets until we found a little restaurant to have dinner in.

After dinner, it was back to the apartment, to bed and sleep. Early morning tomorrow for a 3 hour walking tour. It seems like days ago we were in Venice, not just this morning, it must mean we are seeing a lot and enjoying ourselves!

Prev Venice Day 4
Next Florence first full day

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